ICoSI 2025
International Conference on Sustainable Innovation (ICOSI) is Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta’s (UMY) flagship conference. ICOSI 2025 comprises of multi-disciplinary focal conferences themed
“Sustainable Innovation and Technology Beyond Borderless Society”. After success since 2019, annually, consecutively, with more than 1000 presenters each year, this year ICOSI 2024 brings up15 focal conferences from various field of sciences including health science and nursing, agriculture and engineering, social sciences and economics, as well as law and religious studies. The Tracks including Humanities, Education, and Social Sciences (HESS), Health Sciences and Nursing (HSN), Economics Management and Accounting (EMA), and Engineering Technology and Agriculture (ETA)
the 9th icOsi 2025
1 | ASIAN-COL | The 5th ASIAN-COL (Asian Conference on Comparative Laws) | https://edas.info/N32156 |
2 | ICITCOM | ICITCOM 2024 (International Conference on Information Technology and Computing) | https://edas.info/N32023 |
3 | ICITAMEE | The 5th ICITAMEE (International Conference on Information Technology, Advanced Mechanical and Electrical Engineering) | https://edas.info/N32020 |
4 | ICGP | The 1st ICGP (International Conference on Government and Politics) | https://edas.info/N32017 |
5 | ICENSO | The 2nd ICENSO (International Conference on Environment and Smart Society) | https://edas.info/N32022 |
6 | ISCEIE | The 3rd ISCEIE (International Symposium On Civil, Environmental, And Infrastructure Engineering) | https://edas.info/N32019 |
7 | ICISDE | The 3rd ICISDE (International Conference on Islamic Studies in the Digital Era) | https://edas.info/N32158 |
8 | ICENSE | The 1st ICEnSE (International Conference on Environment and Smart Education) | https://edas.info/N32018 |
9 | ICoNARD | The 5th ICONARD (International Conference on Agribusiness and Rural Development) | https://edas.info/N32024 |
10 | ICE3IS | The 4th ICE3IS (International Conference on Electronic and Electrical Engineering and Intelligent System) | https://edas.info/N31997 |
11 | NEW DREAM | The 2nd New DREAM (New of Dental Research Exhibition and Meeting ) | https://edas.info/N32157 |
12 | ICDSA | The 1st ICDSA (International Conference on Digital Technologies and Sustainability Accounting) | https://edas.info/N31982 |
13 | ICPU | The 4th ICPU (International Conference on Pharmaceutical Update) | |
14 | ICoMSE | The 1st ICOMSE (International Conference On Management and Sustainable Environment) | https://edas.info/N32087 |
15 | ICMHS | The 8th ICMHS (International Conference of Medical and Health Science) | https://edas.info/N32021 |
16 | ICoSA | The 7th ICoSA (International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture) |
Study visit from Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang to the International Conference Sustainable Innovation at the Research and Innovation Institute of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta.
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Prof. Dr. Ir. Gunawan Budianto, M.P.IPM. ASEAN., Eng
Prof. Dr. Ir. Sukamta, S.T., M.T., IPM.
thank you
We would like to express our deepest thanks for the support and participation of the participants and Focal committee in the 8th ICoSI 2024 event. We, the organizers, are very grateful for the success of the 8th International Conference on Sustainable Innovation 2024. Get ready to join ICoSI next year, ‘We are looking forward to your participation.